Friday, 23 May 2008


Another blog I read posted a list of what recovery looks like. I thought I would try the same with my own experiences.

Recovery is...
  • Walking into the supermarket and coming out again with only the things that were on my shopping list.
  • Not instantly thinking of an excuse to leave when a friend mentions ordering take-away.
  • Eating a slice of birthday cake and feeling good that it's my birthday not horrible about the amount of fat and sugar.
  • Going out for a meal with my boyfriend and focussing more on him than working out the calorie count of my dinner.
  • Buying an item of food because I like the taste, even when it has five more calories than another option.
  • Standing on the scales in the morning, seeing my reflection and feeling hideously fat, then going and eating a healthy breakfast.
  • Having a bad day, eating a load of junk in one go, and then managing to eat more than a stick of celery the next day.
  • Taking a biscuit when a friend offers me the packet and knowing I'll be able to stop after one or two.
  • Going to the gym because I want to keep fit, rather than because I want to burn off a binge.
  • Not having a load of wrappers hidden around my room because I'm scared people will spot them if I throw them in the bin.
  • Eating a bar of chocolate, fretting about the calorie count and then managing to cook dinner.
  • Going for a long walk and not having to worry that I'll faint on the way.
  • Being scared that I'm fat and hideous, but not letting it stop me living my life.

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