Friday, 25 April 2008

Non-purging bulimia

When people think of bulimia, most of them would think of the classical pattern of binging then throwing up. A lot of people don't realise that there's far more to it than that. Plenty don't even imagine there are different forms that bulimia can take.

Even in groups that deal with eating disorders, when people talk about bulimia, they usually mean the purging kind. When people talk about the dangers of bulimia, they mostly consider the dangers of repeated, induced vomiting. They don't consider that there are other actions that lead to the same disorder. So I'm going to explain a little about a different form bulimia can take.

The definition for bulimia talks about binges – eating vast quantities of food in a short space of time and feeling out of control while eating. The definition also talks about feeling of guilt follow such binges and self-evaluation being based on image and body shape. Then it mentions purging behaviours.

Purging behaviour can include vomiting, laxatives, diet pills, fasting or excessive exercise.

Note the "or."

It is completely possible to be bulimic without throwing up.

I'll explain a little about how I used to act, but I don't believe for a moment that this is the only pattern non-purging bulimia can take.

I used to binge. I would buy a load of junk food and then stuff my face. A binge would usually be a bag full of biscuits, sweets, crisps and cake. Sometimes I would buy a microwave meal as well. Sometimes, I'd stop by the sandwich shop and buy a sausage or a bacon sandwich. If I didn't have enough food, I would eat something from the fridge or the larder as well. I would eat until I felt stuffed but I wouldn't be able to stop.

Then I would hate myself for being so weak and greedy.

So I would focus once more on my diet and be determined to be even stricter with myself to make up for my behaviour. My diet consisted of skipping meals whenever possible. My mum went (and still goes) away on business quite a lot. Once my sister started university, it was my job to cook dinner. I always tried to time it so that I would finish cooking a few minutes before my dad got home. That way, I could pile most of the food onto his plate and leave just enough on mine to make it look used. Then Dad would get home and I'd just be finishing up the last bit of carrot or piece of broccoli. When I mistimed things, I would be careful about serving things out, so I would get more vegetables and he would get more of everything else. But I couldn't do it too much or he'd notice, so I absolutely hated those meals.

At school, I would make a show of eating. I would obviously go to the vending machine and make jokes about how I ate quite a bit. I knew I wasn't losing weight. I would rather my friends thought me slightly greedy than guess that I must be binging and know that I was a disgusting pig. So I made certain they saw that I was eating... then I would throw away the packages with almost all of the food still in them.

I never ate breakfast. When I had to eat other meals, I tried to make them as low fat as possible and threw away anything I could get away with.

And I exercised. I played a lot of badminton and went to two different clubs. This let me play for at least five hours a week without anyone being even slightly suspicious. I went to the gym with my mum one evening a week. And I went jogging. I would get up early on a weekend morning and go out running. I tried to do this before anyone else was awake, because I didn't want them to realise that I wasn't losing the weight that I ought to be doing. I would rather my family thought I was lazy and didn't exercise enough than guess that I must be eating so much sugar and fat when they weren't looking.

Then, in the privacy of my room, I would do sit-ups and lunges and any sort of exercise I could given the confined space. The rest of the time, I would worry about how many calories I was burning. I would sit in my lessons at school and twitch my legs or wriggle my fingers or anything to give just a little bit more movement.

I bought myself an ab belt. It's one of those machines that you put over your stomach and it promises to give you more definition and a flatter stomach. The one I had said on its instructions not to use it for more than half an hour a day. I used it for at least three on full power.

I took diet pills. I tried loads of different brands and varieties: thermogenics, appetite suppressants, fat metabolisers, detoxifying complexes. I was careful about how many I took, because I didn't want to accidentally overdose. I would follow the instructions for each packet carefully, taken the maximum recommended dose. But I would be taking at least two different brands at the same time. Again, I was worried about overdosing, so I was careful to take brands of different types. I'd happily take a dose of detoxifiers and one of an appetite suppressant, but I wouldn't take two different thermogenics.

I also tried cold baths. I'd heard that people burned off loads of calories keeping warm, so I would run a deep bath of cold water. Sometimes, I was able to sneak some ice cubes from the freezer to the bathroom and put those in. I would sit in the icy water for at least an hour, shivering like mad and delighted that I was burning off fat. It usually took me ages to get to sleep after that, because I'd be lying in bed still shivering. But at least shivering used energy!

Then, after maybe a day or so of this, I'd be famished beyond belief and craving sugary, fatty food. I'd smell something delicious and lose all control and rush to the shop to buy another hoard of junk.

But I didn't often throw up. I only stuck my fingers down my throat on less than half a dozen occasions and, generally, it didn't work. The times when I did throw up, it was usually unintentional. I'd just eaten too much for my body to cope with. This particularly happened if I binged late in the evening and then went to bed with my stomach still too full.

I didn't believe I had bulimia, because I didn't stick my fingers down my throat after each meal. I didn't force myself to vomit so I didn't fit the standard pattern.

I want people to understand that there's more to it than just throwing up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your article, I'm a non-purging bulemic too. Though with me it's a bit different. I have 'fasting days' and 'splurge days'. I usually fast for three up to 5 or 6 days (in that time I'll eat one or two pieces of dry bread a day) and then when my weight's down to a certain point, I 'splurge' for a day, a.k.a. eat what I want, whenever I want from when I wake up to until I fall asleep. Sometimes I'll have two days like that but then it's back to fasting until I hit the same weight I started off with again.

I wish I could stop doing this but I've been doing this for as long as I can think, I couldn't imagine having to always control the amount of food that I eat, I know I'd probably just get fat alltogether if I stopped with the splurging / fasting thing. It's sorta become a lifestyle, also I could never imagine eating anything during the day anyway because I'd hate for my stomach to bloat when I'm out.

There are so many reasons why I dont want to 'be like them' and eat normally, but I know it would be better for me if I could just get a handle on this already, but I can't, and the worst thing is that I don't want to do anything about it either because it's become so engrained in my lifestyle.

Oh, and I know you didn't mean it that way, but thanks for the hint with the cold bath.

Anonymous said...

Hi, im a non purging bulimic too. I fast until im at a happy weight then ill start eating again and when i feel fat ill stop eating again, its a bit of a weird cycle, ill be thin for about a month then ill give in and buy like a chocolate bar or something and i go back to eating normally for a month then fast for a month or two ect. the most ive ever fasted for was probably about 5 months
im happiest when im thin, im quite happy when im eating as well until i get to the point where i feel fat again but theres always a feeling of guilt in the back of my mind.
its usually spurred by seeing a picture of me where i think i look fat.
i think ones coming on soon, right now im eating regularly but ive started to feel fat again and cut down portions. its starts by cutting down portions and then eating only one small meal a day if that.
i dont think anyone has any idea about it either and they probably wouldnt think it was a real eating disorder if i told them.
i also dont want to do anything about it because im so much happier and prettier when im thin, and i know this is a stupid and naive thing to say but its true... to me anyway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. I'm also a non-purging bulimic with not eating for 2 meals or 2-3 days and then binging. I just went to the doctor and they can't do anything for me because the blood work and weight are usually normal for people with non-purging bulimia. It left me feeling a bit isolated (which would have triggered the ED even more and I'm having a hard enough time with it right now). It's nice to know that I'm not alone with it.

Anonymous said...

you know, despite the fact i have so many amazing friends and family, i always manage to feel so alone. and guilty i can't tell them my secret. its nice to know i'm not as alone as i think. thank you x

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for your story on your struggles with bulimic type behavior--both on the behalf of others suffering and of myself. I myself have been struggling with bulimia for the last four years--basically, as another posted in her comment, it's become a lifestyle. I absolutely hate it, I really do, but I just can't give it up. I don't know if I do it for a sense of control, or if it controls me and I cannot get out of its grips. I desperately want to rid myself of this lifestyle, this burden that weighs on me, this urgent responsibility to get rid of the calories I consumed. I want to live and eat like a person without the burden of bulimia--eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full, and enjoy food. I don't want weight or calorie burn to even be on my mind. I want to enjoy life, rather than have 2/3 of all my thoughts be centered around when I can get junk food again, how many calories are in it, and how I can get rid of the calories. It's so exhausting. However, I am scared about taking this leap of faith and giving up these behaviors because that means the very one thing I fear--losing control. I have this tendency to eat and eat and eat--even if I'm not hungry--it just feels so good to keep stuffing myself (especially with all the sugary foods). I do it most of all when I'm stressed out (which is often, given my lifestyle). But then, ick, I just ate a ton, and I'm going to gain weight and be disgusting. Then I'll start planning how to get rid of it. I've exercised for hours--5 hours at a clip, burning thousands of calories. I've also done the other things you've mentioned--sat outside for awhile in the winter to get cold and burn more calories, purposely fidget when in class, run up and down my stairs at home, use every opportunity when no one's around to exercise--even if it's when I'm in the bathroom and no one can see. I've done diet pills too. I've even gone on the stationary bike indoors with a winter coat on to "sweat out weight" after weighing in higher than I wanted to, and would keep weighing myself until the scale said what I wanted it too. I've tried sticking my finger down my throat a few times, but I can never get myself to throw up.

Every day is a thing of "okay, how many calories do I allow myself today" based on how much I plan to exercise. At least once a week or so, I'll go over my amount, I add more exercise. Then I'm like "I exercised, so I can eat more." Then I go over my amount again, so I add more get the cycle. Other times, I'll just completely lose control. It'll usually start with me going over my calorie limit by like 300 calories or so, and on top of that, I have no opportunity to exercise or compensate. Then I'll be like "forget it--I blew it, I might as well go all out" and then really go to town. It's not hard for me to shovel 6000 calories in my mouth. I enjoy every second of binging, but then I got a bigger problem afterward. I hate myself for my weakness and feel so disgusting for pigging out. Then I'll plan my compensating routine for the next day--cut back on calories and exercise like crazy, maybe even a thermogenic. It's exhausting and unpredictable. Nobody really knows though--I am so ashamed of myself. I feel like less of a person because of it--my inability to live a normal lifestyle, my gluttony, my loss of control. I'm pretty good at hiding it too, and people wouldn't suspect anything because I'm normal weight.

Thank you again for posting your story. It allows us other suffers to realize that we're not alone, that there are other people who go through the same thing and can totally relate to what you're going through. Your post makes me feel like less of a defect and more of what I simply am--a human being who happens to be suffering from an eating disorder. I teared up reading your story, as I see the exact same behavior and emotions you described in myself, and hopefully this reaction allows me to muster up the courage to take that leap of faith and give up this disastrous lifestyle. You too--I hope you also get up enough courage to get rid of this dangerous lifestyle--don't be afraid to let loved ones that you trust know--this is something very hard to overcome on your own (yeah, like I should be talking--I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrite--actually, I'm really close to either confiding in either my husband or my mother). Best of wishes to you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for ED-ucating. I also have issues with non-purging bulimia (15+ years unfortunately).

From reading other people's experiences, it seems vomiting in itself is a very specific symptom, maybe related to specific emotional coping/needs issues. I have found the systematic throwing up assumption a bit difficult. To me it's essential I fully 'digest' a binge, it's part of the ritual and I really need it. Throwing up would cancel the purpose. I compensate the following days by other means.

It took me about 10 years to ask for professional help. I'm making some progress with psychotherapy (it's not CBT, but long term psychodynamic therapy). It is slow, with drawbacks and all. I certainly have to face fewer physical consequences. But I would urge anybody not to minimize non-purging bulimia and sufferers to get help and support asap. It's not all about physical consequences. I'm reaching my 30s and still have difficulty sustaining some sort of social life not to mention a job especially when I get into a hardcore binge/fasting cycle.

Thanks for your post again, I wish you well on the recovery road.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU !!!! i didn't know this even existed...
i am sixteen, and used to be anorexic for a short period of time, and when i began eating again, i developed chronic stomach pain, which feels a lot like hunger. i began to binge eat as the "hunger" pain would not go away even if i was STUFFED, but i always tried to get rid of it with food as it felt so much like hunger. then i would compensate for the overeating by fasting, excerisising, restricting like a maniac... i isolate myself and cannot live my life as a happy teen due to my pain and bingeing. i am becoming severely depressed because of it, especially as i get my hopes up after a couple of "good" days, only to have them crash down when i am in pain again. peppermint oil sometimes works. i cannot take much more of this, it has been over a year, and i cannot live in this way. my non-purging bulimia is tearing my family apart and ruining my life, and i am not trying to sound dramatic, but i would much rather end my life than live in this way much longer. thank you so much for the post.

Anonymous said...

i'm kinda like that. i'll eat very little on skool days (it's easer when im in skool, cuz then im not tempted to eat)i normally less then a cup of cereal and milk for breakfast, skip lunch, then eat a small portion of dinner. by friday, im normally feeling faint and my head is throbing even though i had coffee. i also do 100 sit ups, 50-75 pushups, and run a lot.
weekends i eat closer to normal, but then do 200 pushups, 75-80 pushups, and even more exersises.

i hate doing this, but cant stop. i tryed throwing up but it didnt work and u cant get any diet pills or laxitives or anything where i live unless your 18 or older (thank God, i dont want to be tempted 2 get them).

E. said...

This is me. Oh my God, I've just seen myself, through someone else's eyes. Thanks for this x

Anonymous said...

I've been a non-purging bulimic since about age 12. I started off being a competitive athlete when i was about 6 and continued through the years. In figure skating it is imparritive to be a certain build. Id train 10-15 hours on ice a week and the same off ice. I started to realize I could control myself outside of my coaches grasp. Id hoard food in a box under my bed until i knew id have an off day and Id eat it all in one sitting. Then i would realise that everyone at the rink would be able to tell I wasnt sticking to our strict diet and i'd run until i'd throw up and then compose myself and keep exersizing until i had without a doubt burned off every last bit of fat i had consumed. It wasn't until this past year (now 18) that I discoverd non-purging bulimia existed. I'm still very competitive in my sport and have some great titles to my name, however I do the same routine as in my childhood. I eat and eat one day and realise what I have done, then ill run 100 flights of stairs take diet pills everyday do ab workouts in my room and go to the gym for hours. I thought I just had a complex brought on by being a child athlete but i'm so glad to find out im not alone in my methods.
It'd be nice to be more normal and not feel the need to take out my day to day stresses on my body, but i'm afraid to think of what i could become if i stopped.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is amazing...
I've had non-purging bulimia for about a year, and I've only just realised!
I always thought bulimia was about vomiting too, but now I know!

I've always been quite skinny, and just naturally didn't have a big appetite until I was about 13 - then I started buying lots of chocolate in school because I'd never really had the opportunity to have as much junk food as I wanted until I started secondary school.

Then the addiction began, and I kept going for about half a year without gaining considerable weight at all, as I naturally have quite a fast metabolism...

Which just made me get even more addicted because I was so proud that I could enjoy junk food without putting on weight (and I've always been quite conscious of my weight, since I was about 10).

It was only about a year ago that I started bingeing properly, like when I'd get home from school, I'd rip massive chunks off the loaf of bread and eat it with chocolate. By the time I finished, I'd usually have eaten about half an 800g loaf of bread, and a 100g bar of chocolate.

This only happened occasionally (about once every two weeks) but it became so addictive and just got worse and worse.

Now I binge about 3 times a week (especially when I go out and I'm surrounded by Greggs Bakery, Krispy Kreme stalls and Starbucks) and luckily I'm not overweight at all, and still lower than average in fact, but it's not my weight that worries me any more...

I have quite noticeable cellulite on my legs and around my stomach, and it's all happened so fast - I was really shocked. I've looked up all the causes, and I'm not surprised considering how much sugar and fat I consume and that I barely drink any water at all.

And even though I'm still quite thin, when I have extra large binges my face and thighs "blow up", and it looks really ugly and unhealthy.

I really like healthy food too and there've been periods when I've managed to have an almost perfect diet for about a week, and have promised myself many times that I'll never go back to bingeing, but the cravings possess me after a while, and I have to start again!

Has anyone had bulimia and gotten over it? Because it seems like you can never "get used" to eating normally... it always comes back :(

Anonymous said...

Wow this is amazing...
I've had non-purging bulimia for about a year, and I've only just realised!
I always thought bulimia was about vomiting too, but now I know!

I've always been quite skinny, and just naturally didn't have a big appetite until I was about 13 - then I started buying lots of chocolate in school because I'd never really had the opportunity to have as much junk food as I wanted until I started secondary school.

Then the addiction began, and I kept going for about half a year without gaining considerable weight at all, as I naturally have quite a fast metabolism...

Which just made me get even more addicted because I was so proud that I could enjoy junk food without putting on weight (and I've always been quite conscious of my weight, since I was about 10).

It was only about a year ago that I started bingeing properly, like when I'd get home from school, I'd rip massive chunks off the loaf of bread and eat it with chocolate. By the time I finished, I'd usually have eaten about half an 800g loaf of bread, and a 100g bar of chocolate.

This only happened occasionally (about once every two weeks) but it became so addictive and just got worse and worse.

Now I binge about 3 times a week (especially when I go out and I'm surrounded by Greggs Bakery, Krispy Kreme stalls and Starbucks) and luckily I'm not overweight at all, and still lower than average in fact, but it's not my weight that worries me any more...

I have quite noticeable cellulite on my legs and around my stomach, and it's all happened so fast - I was really shocked. I've looked up all the causes, and I'm not surprised considering how much sugar and fat I consume and that I barely drink any water at all.

And even though I'm still quite thin, when I have extra large binges my face and thighs "blow up", and it looks really ugly and unhealthy.

I really like healthy food too and there've been periods when I've managed to have an almost perfect diet for about a week, and have promised myself many times that I'll never go back to bingeing, but the cravings possess me after a while, and I have to start again!

Has anyone had bulimia and gotten over it? Because it seems like you can never "get used" to eating normally... it always comes back :(

Anonymous said...

Wow this is amazing...
I've had non-purging bulimia for about a year, and I've only just realised!
I always thought bulimia was about vomiting too, but now I know!

I've always been quite skinny, and just naturally didn't have a big appetite until I was about 13 - then I started buying lots of chocolate in school because I'd never really had the opportunity to have as much junk food as I wanted until I started secondary school.

Then the addiction began, and I kept going for about half a year without gaining considerable weight at all, as I naturally have quite a fast metabolism...

Which just made me get even more addicted because I was so proud that I could enjoy junk food without putting on weight (and I've always been quite conscious of my weight, since I was about 10).

It was only about a year ago that I started bingeing properly, like when I'd get home from school, I'd rip massive chunks off the loaf of bread and eat it with chocolate. By the time I finished, I'd usually have eaten about half an 800g loaf of bread, and a 100g bar of chocolate.

This only happened occasionally (about once every two weeks) but it became so addictive and just got worse and worse.

Now I binge about 3 times a week (especially when I go out and I'm surrounded by Greggs Bakery, Krispy Kreme stalls and Starbucks) and luckily I'm not overweight at all, and still lower than average in fact, but it's not my weight that worries me any more...

I have quite noticeable cellulite on my legs and around my stomach, and it's all happened so fast - I was really shocked. I've looked up all the causes, and I'm not surprised considering how much sugar and fat I consume and that I barely drink any water at all.

And even though I'm still quite thin, when I have extra large binges my face and thighs "blow up", and it looks really ugly and unhealthy.

I really like healthy food too and there've been periods when I've managed to have an almost perfect diet for about a week, and have promised myself many times that I'll never go back to bingeing, but the cravings possess me after a while, and I have to start again!

Has anyone had bulimia and gotten over it? Because it seems like you can never "get used" to eating normally... it always comes back :(

Sara said...

This is absolutely astonishing to me. I had no idea. There are other people like this?

I gained 85lbs in 18 months as a result of an abusive and destructive relationship. I didn't weigh myself for that whole time, and was devastated to return home and discover that I'd ruined what was previously a wonderful body. Now I'm a monster.

Now, a few years later, I binge for a few days, then fast for a few days. I feel so out of control when I eat. I go to the grocery store and buy extra food that I can eat before my husband gets home. Then I cook dinner, and eat that despite my stomach already hurting.

I starve myself as much as I can, and will lose a few pounds, only to ruin it all when I finally break and start binging again.

I would do anything to lose weight. Anything.

Thank you for your post. It's comforting to know that there are other people like me.

Tired said...


I'm so glad to finally have found a place where there are people who think and feel a bit like me. I was also diagnosed with non-purging Bulimia last year and just started my therapy. Getting the diagnosis was a bit of a relief, but at the same time I feel like a 'fraud' since I'm not the typical bulimic or anorexic. I still believe I only need to get a grip.

I have had weight issues since I was about 9, and got my period at 10. My family used to tease me about my weight but at the same time forced me to finish my plate and eat things that I hated. My GP put me on calorie-restricted diets aged 10/11, and I've been calorie-counting ever since. At school I was bullied, and I was an outsider because of my weight I think. Over the years my weight went up and down, peaking at 90kg. I lost 20kg when I was 15, sometimes a kilo a day through exercise alone, and when I was 18 I crash-dieted and lost 6 or 8kg in the first month alone and about 15-18kg in total, which I soon put back on again. Over the years I have learned tricks of course, from under-dressing in the cold to always taking the stairs, to fidgeting around and doing abs while sitting, etc. When I'm really hungry and decide to eat I first stuff myself with a tomato or lettuce.

Last year I started controlling my blood sugar to balance my hormone levels. I cut out more foods to be healthy. Cake, of course, but also sugar, caffeine, sweet fruit, anything with added sugar, white bread, etc. I went down from 90kg to now around 65kg. According to the doctors I'm a healthy size 10 with a BMI of just under 23, but all I can see is a pile of fat. I hate my stomach, my legs, my arms, the flab everywhere. Sometimes I have panic attacks, thinking I’ll always be fat and never have a boyfriend, and always be alone.

I rarely binge, but I often graze and feel uncontrolled around food. I find it so hard to stop myself when eating, even when I'm full and when I don't like things; it's easier not to eat things in the first place.

Every transgression is bad and makes the day a bad one and me feel guilty and angry. I comfort myself saying this is normal/ an exception, often then leading to 'exception day' thinking, i.e. eating more bad stuff and in large quantities- Baguette, anyone? Hey why just have one slice, you can eat the whole thing! I feel such a pig at those times.

Or I'll think 'I'll make up for this' (going to the gym; I can do 1000 cal in a session or more; walking for hours at fast speed with my iPod; restricting).

Often I wish I could cleanse myself afterwards (then I'll have espresso; I know it doesn't get rid off the recent food, but it does empty the bowels and I feel better afterwards, albeit washed out and jittery).

I get really angry and anxious when I bad foods, ate late or too much and want to scratch, hit and stab myself or cut my arms/wrists/my fat off. But I don't really do anything to myself; I just indulge in phantasies of hurting myself but I'm pretty sure I won't do anything for fear of irrevocable consequences. According to ED criteria I have an anorexic mind set, but I am confused in my actions which may have saved me as I never became fully bulimic nor anorexic.

Tired said...

Sometimes I try to 'normalise' my diet, i.e. eat more stuff I haven't eaten in ages and I try not to count the calories/ think of all the fat/sugar/carbs/cals I eat, but even then I'll try and stick to eating no more than 1500 kcals a day. That's my max limit needed to lose more weight while keeping up my metabolism. But I still feel bad about eating those things. Sooner or later I'll either transgress, and even though I’ll try to keep going tension builds up in me like in a pressure cooker, and I feel so bad that I'll overeat and switch back to a more restricted diet. That's often a moment of relief.

I feel torn in a limbo of 24h thinking and worrying about weight and fat and food and the eternal yearning of wanting to be free and light and the despair of knowing I might never get there, or it would take so long.... I just want to be done with it. Then there is always this part of me that just wants to be normal, and not worry about food anymore.

Last weekend I restricted to 500cal, and then increased to 1200-1500; I transgressed to 2300 one day and ate later on another, which ultimately led to me putting on 1.4kg in 5 days (body trying to compensate I guess). This completely annihilated all my work from July. Now I have to lose all that weight all over again! I spent the whole weekend feeling crap not wanting to see anybody. I even started smoking again.

Now it's back to picking up the pieces again, and I'm anxious, distraught, sad and tense inside. I want to restrict again tomorrow, or at least stick to 'good foods' only. I know restricting is bad. But it feels good. I never feel as strong and as decisive and invincible than when I'm restricting. But I also feel alone, and tired of this fight.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for posting this! I've been struggling with bulimia for 9 yrs (non-purging) and even though I was diagnosed my psychs didn't take me seriously and I started to wonder if it was all in my head. But your story is like reading my own life. Thankyou so much.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to accept that I am a non-purging bulimic. I'm a well educated women, I took many psychology classes and I have two psychology friends. My parents have invested so much money on my education, going to one of the BEST university in California, and yet I am non-purging bulimic. I have always been in the "normal" weight category, being a size 3. However I feel FAT and when I feel fat I feel ugly as well. I been having food issues for the past 3 years, I try to have a "healthy diet" eating 2 meals a day and one snack. The meals are always under 200 calories and my snack is a fruit. However there are days that I'll sit at the table with my parents and won't be able to stop eating even-though I am not hungry. I tend to lose control of my food intake and that frustrates me. After I eat like a pig, i'll look at the mirror and I'll start calling my sell names such as FAT and PIG, promising that tomorrow i'll start eating like a normal person and not like a pig. Which I am able to pull of for 2 weeks in which i lose up to 7 lbs but after that I'll lose control again and the cycle never ends. Before reading your story I didn't think of myself as a bulimic person, but after reading you story i realized that I do have a bulimic issue that I should take care of. I truly don't want to do this any longer I want to be a normal person and not live my life around food, but I'm a shame to admit that I have a problem.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didnot know this bit i actually might be a non purging bulimic. I am in the normal range but I still feel overweight. I will eat alot of crappy food and then fast for a few days. I actually was planning to go on a (min.) 5 days water fast.
Thanks. It sounds a lot like me.

Jackie said...

For everyone that suffers, take it from me help is the best thing in the world. I have suffered from nonpurging bulimia for the past 3 years and only recently realized it was an actual ED as well. We all face the same cycle, no matter what methods we use and we all think the same horrible thoughts about our bodies. I am at the hardest part of recovery, body image, and it makes normal eating a challenge everyday. I began binging as a result of smoking marijuana and would eat breakfast and dinner only if they had barely any calories and skip lunch. I lost 25 lbs in 2 months and thought I had aneroxia. I began to eat normally, but then would still have my binges and just portion control everything the days following. This has been going on for 2 years and most recently I began seeing a counselor at my university for it. With her I am also involved in group therapy (girls with ranges EDs) and have really connected with them every week. Just in the past 4 months I have had my eyes completely opened to what this disease is. It runs EVERY aspect of your life, things you couldnt even imagine it having an affect on. Although recovery is hard, because as it does run through all of your life things have to change drastically, and you have to learn you are all over again. We all want to be normal, and all are scared, but think about how great a life without thinking about your body everyday is like? I dream of that day, and instead of looking at pictures of skinny girls to prevent a binges (old habit) I think of that, and clue in to the guilt I am going to feel and if that is worth it.

Coping skills are a must:
do your nails when you are about to start a binge
go on a walk (or just get away from the temptation)
call a friend(my sister calms me down from any emotion that is most likely causing that binge)
play an instrument if that is a way to destress

there are tons more...but for your own sake try one, or at least go to talk to someone, one counseling appointment won't force you into a weekly thing or even going to a second, but that initial step is the beginning to an amazing feeling of recovery

I have not had a binge since I smoked marijuana a few weeks ago, and since then have quit entirely. I eat normally, exercise (for my health and not specifically my least I try my hardest to think that each time:) ) and am at the same weight I was at when i was binging and killing myself for it everyday-so i can attest, that althought I am scared of this recovery and what it will do to me so far it has only made me a bigger person on the indise and not the out.

MagicalHoboUnicorn said...

I doubt im bulimic, because i dont binge, but lots of times i gag when im eating, but i usually never vomit.i dont eat that much unless i like the food, but i still gag. is there anything wrong with me?!
there might be but i know im not bulimic...
.-. okay...
oh and thanks for your article!

Anonymous said...

The diagnosis for eating disorders is antiquated and unrealistic. No, I'm not less than 80% of my minimum body weight. No, I haven't skipped my period for three months, because a two-day barely menstruation counts. The fact is that I was slightly overweight before; losing 20 pounds in a month means I'm still in the acceptable BMI range.

So I get shipped off with an EDNOS diagnosis, which essentially means, come back when you're dying a little bit faster.

Here's the kicker: because I was overweight before, I get practically rewarded for losing the weight. So as long as no one sees the binge/fast behaviour, it's like I'm totally healthy. And then they're all like "what's your secret?"

Somehow I don't think that self-loathing is an appropriate answer.

Anonymous said...

This is for sure what I have. I starved myself for three months when I was thirteen and it screwed up my metabolism but ever since then I still am trying to lose weight and I'm sick of ruining my diet on these stupid binges and I hate feeling like I have to exercise after eating. I prefer eating when I'm full to when I'm hungry which really confuses me why I do this. So I began to look at sites to see if this was an eating disorder and clearly it is.

Anonymous said...

i also have non-purging bulimia.i think it is better for us to think of ourselves as a person who has bulimia and not as a bulimic person.i have read that in a psychology book and i think it is a possitive way of thinking..because even if it controls so much of our lives it cannot control us altogether..
i have been struggling with this for 7 years now and i am 21 y old was one of those days i wasted once again on eating from morning to evening and feeling totally unworthy.hoping tomorrow i will manage to fast again..and even though i'm so sick of this bulimia thing i cant get rid of it.
i hope for all of us we will one day manage to maintain a nice figure and be content with the way we look.not worrying about food and be able to enjoy a normal proportioned meal .i hope so much day after day we manage to be happy and stop wasting our precious times .because i'm scared one day we'll look back and see that most of our years have been wasted on nothing.i think we have suffered enough and we'll be able to appreciate simple happy moments..maybe one day we'll be able to enjoy simple things even more than peolpe who havent faced this..hopefully sth good comes out of it.good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I hate non-purging bullemia. Its such a life ruiner. And I still want to be thin, so im reluctant to seek help untill i am at a weight i want.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I do have some form of binge eating and have thrown up my food twice in my life. I always go on health diets where i eat no sweets but i still eat so I'm not technically bulimic. I know i sound like one of those people that is like " every weight is perfect or love your curves" but seriously I really mean it. This could change the rest of your life. I know i shouldn't really be talking and i have thoughts where I don't care about my health I just hate my body. But seriously if you continue like this you wont be able to have kids or any type of relationship. Does being skinny consume your mind and every thought you have!!!! If being skinny wasn't even possible in the world. Then what would your life be about. I know i have no say in the matter but who ever you are a boy or a girl 15 or 25 or 72. I am positive you are all beautiful amazing people. STOP NOW! I KNOW YOU CAN!

Anonymous said...

I know the original poster isn't really around these places anymore but thank you. It's nice to realize that I am not alone in what I am going through, there are others out there who have been through it.

I am 21 years old and have had bulimia on and off for the past 11 years. It's a long, complicated story. I was a purging type for most of the time. I hadn't realized until recently that I have been a non-purging type. This year has been the worst year. I have only lost about 20 pounds and am still at a normal weight but the physical symptoms of restricting calories and consuming too much sugar when binging are apparent.

The problem I have is that I regularly smoke marijuana and this triggers binges. I smoke and then wind up eating about 300-700 calories in candy. This may not be a lot for a binge as far as calories go but the amount of sugar in it is dreadful. Some days I wind up moving beyond just sugary food and wind up eating whatever I can find. These are the worst binges.

What I weigh in the morning is the deciding factor of what I can eat during the day. I have the same thing to eat for dinner everyday because I know the exact amount of calories in it. I usually wind up eating around 1200 calories of "normal" food in a day.

I try to at least maintain my weight, if not lose. It is hard. I allow myself to be within a 3 pound range but the range always gets lower and lower as time goes by. I obsess. Every day, stepping on the scale after every trip to the bathroom at my home. It is no fun.

I want to stop. I want to get out of this cycle. I want to eat like a normal person.
I know I am supposed to change all of those "I wants" to "I wills" but it is sooo difficult.

Anonymous said...

In response to a question about overcoming the non-purging bulimia, I want to quickly tell my story about my road to recovery. I am 24 and I think my eating disorder was at its worst when I was 17-21 yrs old. I never acknowledged my eating "habits" as a mental disorder...and I certainly never would have thought it classified as bulimia because I never purged. I thought my way of eating was my own issue that no one else would understand. Basically I became extremely depressed (I had always had anxiety and depression from as far as I can remember)and I sought out my family practioner in hopes of treating my depression. I didn't mention my eating issues to my doctor. I was medically treated for my depression and I noticed that my obsessive thoughts about food pretty rapidly disappeared. Now I receive more intense treatment with a counselor and a psychiatrist, but just recently I've found the official name of my eating disorder: Bulimia non-purging type. I was relieved to know that there is a treatment plan for this disorder and that it wasn't just a problem particular to myself. Treating my depression (medically) in turn treated my bulimia. And now my counselor and I are working on a treatment plan for the bulimia even though I no longer meet any of the criterion for the disorder. I am considered a bulimic in full remission (since it has been 3 years since I've met criteria). Without medication though, I fear I will become fixated on eating and fasting.. so that is something I will be working on in therapy. Thanks for this post, I found it helpful reading others' stories.

linda ottanio said...

I am 44 yrs old... I weigh 260 pounds. I have had lap band surgery I used to weigh 310 pounds. I have this disorder. I go days without eating, drinking only water... most of the time I just forget to eat... I sometimes make myself something to eat - like a bowl of oatmeal but it sits on the counter because I forget to eat it. I don't particularly like food - and I have no one to cook for, or share meals with so food is not something I look forward to.

If I didn';t have to eat ever, I wouldn't. but what happens is I starve myself for hours, sometimes days - and then when I do eat - it continuous til I am stuffed and cannot eat another morsel. and yes, it usually junk food that I eat.

I like salads too, but that takes planning... and for the most part - i don';t plan when i eat - I just wait and wait and wait - til i am starving and then i binge with whatever i can find. so i am have the problem too - i am obese and have been my whole life... it doesn't only happen to thin people.

I was told when i was younger I was an anoxeric in a fat person;s body, now i know its a non-purging bulimic in a obese body. thanks for at least letting me know who i am... if not showing me what to do about it... - if you can help.

Anonymous said...

hi, i just want to say thankyou so much reading all this although it kinda bought tears to my eyes its made me feel so much better just knowing im not on my own and im not goin crazy.

Im 25 years of age and have had non purging bulimia for around 3 years now, i got diagnosed with this disorder about a year ago although when they told me what i needed to do to help myself i panicked and never actually took it further. The thing is im so tired and i dont want to live like this anymore but im just so scared of putting on weight, i want to get better for my sons sake and so i can have a normal life but on the other hand im scared that when i do ill get fat its like a never ending battle in my own head. Its like right this second as im writing this my stomach is grumbling and i am starving havnt eaten allday because last night my boyfriend bought a mcdonalds home so i ate it all then when he had finished i secretely went in to the kitchen and stuffed my face as quick as i could with his left overs and my sons left overs then wiped my face so he wouldnt have a clue, i feel so ashamed of my self i feel like a pig and dnt feel like i can talk to anyone as i feel like they wont understand. Im 5 foot 4 and way just over 7 stone and soon as i hit 7 and a half stone i panick like mad and starve myself as much as i can, then soon as i give in i cnt stop i eat and eat then repeat the process all over again. At my very worse i fell around 6 and half stone and starting using lactolose but thats when my friends and family did start to notice so now i try to keep myself around just over 7 just so no one forces me to eat or starts askind questions. i have on a couple of occasions got alittle drunk and confided in friends what i do and also my boyfriend but after i regretted it as now my boyfriend trys to watch what i eat and my friends ask questions but i try my hardest to brush them off and just say im fine i was drunk and being silly, i guess i just dont want them changing it as again i dont want to put on weight. Also i feel stupid and scared they will either one try and make me eat or two think im bein a drama queen and just think i want attension or three just think im crazy.

so i guess to wrap it up i just want to say thankyou again least i no theres others out there and i hope you all find the strength to get better abd i hope one day i do to with out getting fat of corse lol xx

-a depressed 12-year old said...

im a non-purging bulimic too, and it started when i was about 10 or 11. i always binge when i'm alone, so none of my friends have ever seen me eat, and they think im anorexic. im just too scared to tell them my real secret-its so embarassing. it rules my life because because all i can think of is food. i can starve myself for 3 or 4 days without a thing to eat and then i splurge.i cant remember what it was like before bulimia.i just wish i wasn't so shy.

Anonymous said...

Hi- some of this sounds like me but i dont think i have an eating disorder- ive never vomited or taking diet pills- i just sometimes fast and eat a lot but not real fating just like 500 calories- and i do excercise but not rxcessively- sometimes i use to get so hungry i woulf jist pig out all day and then feel awful bout it- i dunno im not sure what to thibk- email me at plz

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've never had an article pop up from my google search like this one. Wow...
Everytime after i binge eat like crazy, i feel like Im disgusting and horrible for doing this... So i google "bulimia non purging eating disorder" and just read stories about people so I don't feel so alone. But usually, all the stories don't binge as often as I do, and didn't do the same things and they mostly all involved sticking their fingers down their throats... and I felt so alone. Was i the only one that didnt puke... but just would eat like crazy for one day then completely starve myself and go into hyper-dieting mode until the next binge? Everything you wrote about... wow.... I felt like I was reading my life story. I'm 19...just started university...just binged because my friend was over...we had a donught, and then i went crazy and thought "Why not?" and ate everything. Probably spent fourty bucks in total so far. But starting tomorrow ill starve myself... could you email me sometime? it would just be nice to speak to someone who is going through/went through what Im going through. Its been 8 months now :(

Anonymous said...

hi, i never originally thought i was bullimic until i read your article...then i realised i'm a non-purging type.
I eat alone in my room when my flatmates aren't watching and count every calorie. Then i exercise until i feel like i've burnt the amount i need to. The other day was the worst, i was on the cross trainer for something like 7 hours (split up into 2 two hour and 1 two and a half hour slots) i pretty much spent the day at the gym. As i was doing it i realised that this kind of level of exercise is probably not normal and wondered if there was maybe something wrong with me.
I've always passed it off as a need to burn off stress but there's definitely an eating side to it too and often I'll eat when I'm not hungry and even continue eating until i feel too sick and full to put any more food in my mouth. I'll even fast and do up to four hours of exercise a day sometimes, it's pretty bad but now that I'm aware its a problem I'm going to try and get more control over it.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is me right now! At 12 I stopped eating for months and I lost so mug weight I wanted to be a ballet dancer but the eating had nohing to do with wanting to be thin - I just stopped eating cos I enjoyed the control I had I suppose - I remember eating a carrot one day and wanting to kill myself cos it was too much - slowly over time somehow I got better I never saw anyone for it however I started to gain weight - I realised that I needed enegy to dance and that something clicked I'd had enough of starving and I began to eat . But then I started throwing up all my meals I would starve throughout the day then eat my meal on the night - I would then be sick afterwards and it was when I was wound 14 I began to use laxatives . I would wake up in so much pain but I knew it was worth it. slowly I gained weight after starving for so long. And people didn't comment as much on my weight. But actually I felt more out of control then ever - there was a point were I was about 16 when my eating became more normal and I stopped throwing up and stopped taking laxatives. Also my binges stopped for some time. I felt good but it didn't last long - at about 17 18 I felt so huge I felt so out of control and felt disgusting. So I started to fast people wud noticed I'd lost weight and it made me feel so powerful! But then I'd binge when I cracked I would eat mcdonalds, pizza and sweets chocolate anything I cud get my hands on! but for some reason I never went bk to throwing up! Or taking lax - I mean in the past few years there's only been a few times is taken laxatives or thrown up - but now I'm 21 and I think about food constantly and wanting to be thin! I'll fast for as long as possible and then I'll binge!!! Then I will fast again! I'm scared to start eating cos I know i won't be able to stop! I never buy food in the house so I can't binge! But that only makes me angry if all the shops are closed. And recently have been worried that when I do buy my binge food it's not enough. I'm so embarrassed by all of this - I have only ever spoken to my bf about this and my mum thinks that my eating problems stopped when I was 14 when I gained weight again from being almost anorexic or mabe I was - who knows but really I have been suffering for a long time - I know I have a problem but I'm too sacred to go to the drs as I'm not underweight and mabe they will tell me I'm fine cos of the way I look - that will make me feel stupid - but I really don't know how much longer I can live with this - I'm pretty sure I have bulimia none purge type - and I'm sure I've been thru them all - I just never seeker help. I want a life. Help. )-;

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this, it and all the comments it generated made me.feel so much less alone. I will binge once or twice a.week on average but tjere have been periods where for weeks I'll just eat and eat and eat. I sometimes vomit after a binge but its such an ineffective way to.lose the cald. So I fast or restrict.for the next two or three days or til whenever im forced to eat or I binge. And then it begins again. I've lost like 10kg this time round of binging/fasting. People should be careful in assuming theres no physical damage just cause yr not vomiting. Repeated fasting or excessive excercise can be really damaging too, regardless of weightloss or how much you eat when you binge. I'm pretty sure I'm anaemic, my shot, im always dizzy which probably means my bloood pressure is low and every time i eat i get really bad stomach/digestive problems. Appareny non- purge type bulimia can be just as fatal if it.goes on long enough. Our bodies must get so tired of the abuse we put them through. It's been nearly 5 years and I can't imagine what it would be like to stop....but I'm actually going to try and get help soon. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Well. Mine is a lot like that, I won't eat for days, or I will eat something only when I feel Im about to pass out. And sometimes I will eat anything and everything, but on the days when I eat sometimes, most things make me sick, or nauseous.....
So yeah I just now figured out what It is.....

Anonymous said...

I totally get what some of you guys are saying about not wanting to tell anyone, because who would take it seriously? My whole life has been centered around food from the age of ten, but I've recently been stuck in the proverbial binge-purge cycle for a little over a year. It's really crappy now. I've come home from school and binged and purged three times before going to dance (and even there I have managed to find places to purge).

I never have time for homework at home because all I ever think about is food- I just failed a test like I never have before. But right now I'm at my initial fat size again (Two weeks before Nutcracker fml..). You can't tell someone you have eating problems when you look healthy. No one will believe you. I don't believe me.

I have literally NO CONTROL now. I'll have no food for four days, binge,purge, binge, purge, binge binge binge until I've been pushed back to the starting line. Fat and flunking. I think the loss of self control really is the worst part. It's just feeding into the negativity.

I wish I could stop too. I wish it would go away, that I could just study and clean when I get home from school and be perfect.

But mostly I wish I could be thin.

Pearly Craig said...

So does this means that excessive exercising can be one of bulimic symptoms?

Anonymous said...

I binge eat so much and when I do, I literally can't stop. I can be not hungry at all or feeling like I'm about to burst but I'll continue eating until the biscuits/bread/cheese/chocolate/sweets/crisps or whatever are all gone. I binge about 2-3 times a week and then restrict myself for as long as I can afterwards.
Sometimes I just say "I'll eat healthily now" but other times I really hate myself and I can't take it so I starve. Like, half an apple in the morning and the other half in the evening and I do this about once or twice a week but I usually lose control and binge again by the time I go to bed.
I do quite a bit of exercise but nothing like what I used to do and I've put on about 2 stone in the last 2 years. I know it's not a crazy amount but to me, it's A TONNE. I feel like a massive whale all the time and food/dieting/my weight is all I ever think about.

I don't know if I'm bulimic because I've only made myself sick about 3 times and the first time was a couple of months ago.
Please let me know what you think because I don't want to talk to my mum/a Dr until I'm sure because I weigh 10.5st and am 5ft3" so I'm kinda normal and have fairly normal periods.
Thank you (sorry for the massive paragraph)
email: x

Anonymous said...

I think I'm on my way there... to become a bulimic. very bad one.. I try to eat small portions and not too often, but it always ends up with me eating a large bowl of maybe yoghurt and then I can't stop, I serve myself more and more and maybe eat somerhing else in between. I can't stop and my stomach just bloats and still I don't feel awfully full. And at the end when I finally force myself to stop I feel awful. The guilt and everything starts to haunt me.

I've gained weight, a bit, and I'm trying to get rid of those kilos but I just overeat..
I exercise many times a week but the eating ruins it. My mind makes up a plan to cut down on the eating and to skip meals and it works. I can go without food for many hours but then I start to binge.

Help me. This isn't good for my physical health either. It's starting to take over my life.


awesomecool said...

wow i had no idea so many people had this same problem. I relized at the begining of this year that i had non-purging bulimia. i only relized it because i have a close friend who is anerexic and i told her about some opf my eating habbits. she told me to look it up and low and behold. i would weigh myself multiple times a day just to see where i was, like before and after an exercise to see if i needed to go longer. the binges were random ussualy when i would come home from school it like i had no control. i would just eat and eat until i hated myself. then would just got to the gym right afterwards. i would also restrict like crazy the next day only eating what i had to so i wouldnt pass out. i would also not drink anything. did anyone else do that? i would go for day without anything so i could avoid water was a crazy life style and i was so unhappy. i havent purged in a long time but the binging still happens. im very disatisfied right now with the weight gain from eating again i feel so ugly like when i was younger (was a chunky kid). not sure what to do i want to be healthy more than anything else and to just eat normally instead of randomly having ice cream for breakfats and then feeling bad about it. also want to start a healthy exercise rutine but my life is crazy and its hard to fit in sometimes ugh. well thank you for this site so glad to know im not alone! <3

Anonymous said...

I just realized today that I am probably a non-purging bulimic. I love food, so I pig out about once a week, and when I start eating, I really feel like I can't stop. I count calories like a madman, and I spend a lot of time meticulously searching up calorie contents and calculating how many calories I should be eating. Essentially, I eat a lot on one day, and it makes me feel out of control and lacking in discipline. Then, I force myself to eat less than usual and endure the dizziness and headaches from not eating enough all in the name of "paying off" what I gained on one specific day. I spend countless hours staring at myself in the mirror, measuring my waist with a tape measure, and tying my belt really tight in hopes that it will help me feel thinner, and taking longer walks around campus with heavy books so that I can burn more calories. I didn't think I had a real problem because I eat and I don't throw up, so I don't look like I have a problem, but I still live with that mindset. I want very badly to "think" healthy as well as act healthy, but at this point, it's just become a vicious cycle. Food isn't nourishment anymore, it's either a reward or something I'm deprived of, so I always feel either guilty for having rewarded myself too much or deprived from not having enough. This is just dominating my life.

Anonymous said...

What if the cycle was shorter than a week? I don't eat at all for the whole day but then I'm forced to sit down with my parents for supper and I eat pretty big meals, occasionally I have days where I eat dinner and breakfast or lunch, but i usually skip the two. I don't know if this counts? Or if I just have a stupid messed up eating pattern. Oh, and yeah, i tried to throw up today after supper... But it didn't work and now I'm sad and feel fat... But another weird thing is, I don't get the feeling of hunger how I used to anymore, when I'm hungry, I crave food and I can't wait for supper but I won't seekit or even want to eat. After I ate supper today, I was stil hungry so I ate more until all of that feeling went away but now I think I've eaten more than I usually would have. I'm eating as many calories as I would have usually throuout the entire day today but I ate it all at supper instead. I won't be doing that tomorrow.
(I too have been able to trick everyone into thinking I've eaten when I haven't)

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your post, telling your story. I've struggled with non-purging bulimia for 11 years and had no idea until a week ago that it was possible to be bulimic without purging. I had just assumed I was an out-of-control "fat girl" or "binge eater" or whatever you wanted to call it, although I always knew it was more complicated than that. Anyway, it's just really nice to see other people validating this particular eating disorder. Our experiences are important, too, and we deserve voices.

Anonymous said...

I was normal, yet it all changed in the New Years of 2012. I downloaded a calorie-counting app. It all started pretty normal. I watched what I ate more and started to eat healthier and to exercise more. Then I hurt my knee and since I wasnt exercising i restricted myself to 800 calories ( less than the original 1200). It all spiraled down and I think I became an anoretic. I was 16, 5.5 ft and weighed 94 pounds. I was cold 24/7; I even wore sweatshirts in the Texas humid, hot, summer. I felt dizzy all the time and my periods had disappeared. The sad thing is, although miserable, i loved being that skinny. It is important to note that during this time my only thoughts involved food. I literally would not sleep just to foodgawk on pinterest. I would also research restaurants and their menus and the nutrition content for hours, yet I barely ate. I then left to a summer camp and started to eat normally, mainly because I did not have my food scale or measuring cups and thought that my calorie counts were too off. I gained some weight and then after a long ( 2 weeks) binge period, i gained too much. I now realize I have become a non purging bulimic. I will eat about 6000 calories of junk. Im talking about eating a whole nutella jar with a spoon, cookies, one time i just started shoving spoonfuls of pure sugar. I go into autopilot. Of course i then feel like an animal or a maniac. I hoard food too and have even stolen it. I will then eat about 500 calories and exercise a fair amount. I think of food and weight all the time and i really really really want to be normal. It is so hard to ask for help when you are at a healthy weight. Please if someone can help or talk email me to

Unknown said...

I play the bass in the church band on Wednesdays and Sundays, which means I usually go out to eat after, and I always try not to, but always end up ordering the biggest plates in the menu; you know, things that are meant to be shared by a couple of people.

My parents go to work every day until 7 pm, and I'm homeschooled (this is my first and last year), so I never eat. I barely ever finished my lunch even when I went to normal school, and if I did I tried going to the bathroom immediately after, taking forever in there, getting asked what took me so long (to which the answer is that I didn't know what laxatives even were).

My personal excuses for those type of things are: "I'm too busy playing a video game/doing homework to eat," "I forgot to feed myself," and "I'm just not hungry." But the truth is that I've realized, today actually, after I nearly died doing exercise after I heard my mom was bringing me a hamburger when she got home, that I'm purposefully not eating throughout the entire week that I'm alone in order to cancel out the fact that I completely pig-out on Wednesdays and Sundays. I feel bad that I do, but not just because I'll gain weight, but because I know that if I don't eat anything I'm going to faint because I'm just so hungry all the time.

I have to eat sometime, but I also have to cancel it out somehow, what will people think of me if they see me as a giant ball, or if I suddenly just drop pale? They'll think there's something wrong with the "strong" leader guy who's always preaching about God, so my non-believer friends would believe that there must be something wrong with God if I'm affected by my habits.

People follow me, many look and have looked up to me for years, and last time I was asked about my weight by one of those people I completely freaked out in private. I wasn't sure that I could see him again and not feel like I had to wear a big jacket to hide my body (and sweat horribly for it).

Which brings me to this, people have always asked me why I'm always wearing some sort of coat. It's not because "I look sexy in it," or because "this jacket is like my wife," but because I have a problem, and my stomach is roaring at me as I'm writing this, but I know that if I go downstairs and make myself a peanut butter sandwich, I'll down half the container like an idiot in one sitting.

So, I'm going to pray to God that my friends don't stop looking at me normally, but more importantly that they try to help me because I can't keep on starving myself and pushing myself so hard when I run. It flat-out, literally hurts, and it's not the good kind of hurt. So, if you believe in God in here, please pray for me.

Unknown said...

I play the bass in the church band on Wednesdays and Sundays, which means I usually go out to eat after, and I always try not to, but always end up ordering the biggest plates in the menu; you know, things that are meant to be shared by a couple of people.

My parents go to work every day until 7 pm, and I'm homeschooled (this is my first and last year), so I never eat. I barely ever finished my lunch even when I went to normal school, and if I did I tried going to the bathroom immediately after, taking forever in there, getting asked what took me so long (to which the answer is that I didn't know what laxatives even were).

My personal excuses for those type of things are: "I'm too busy playing a video game/doing homework to eat," "I forgot to feed myself," and "I'm just not hungry." But the truth is that I've realized, today actually, after I nearly died doing exercise after I heard my mom was bringing me a hamburger when she got home, that I'm purposefully not eating throughout the entire week that I'm alone in order to cancel out the fact that I completely pig-out on Wednesdays and Sundays. I feel bad that I do, but not just because I'll gain weight, but because I know that if I don't eat anything I'm going to faint because I'm just so hungry all the time.

I have to eat sometime, but I also have to cancel it out somehow, what will people think of me if they see me as a giant ball, or if I suddenly just drop pale? They'll think there's something wrong with the "strong" leader guy who's always preaching about God, so my non-believer friends would believe that there must be something wrong with God if I'm affected by my habits.

People follow me, many look and have looked up to me for years, and last time I was asked about my weight by one of those people I completely freaked out in private. I wasn't sure that I could see him again and not feel like I had to wear a big jacket to hide my body (and sweat horribly for it).

Which brings me to this, people have always asked me why I'm always wearing some sort of coat. It's not because "I look sexy in it," or because "this jacket is like my wife," but because I have a problem, and my stomach is roaring at me as I'm writing this, but I know that if I go downstairs and make myself a peanut butter sandwich, I'll down half the container like an idiot in one sitting.

So, I'm going to pray to God that my friends don't stop looking at me normally, but more importantly that they try to help me because I can't keep on starving myself and pushing myself so hard when I run. It flat-out, literally hurts, and it's not the good kind of hurt. So, if you believe in God in here, please pray for me.

Anonymous said...

This gives me hope. I have been suffering with the non purging form of Bulemia and its had a huge affect on my life. I gained 15 kg and my social life is practically non existant. I feel to embaressed to go out and see people, especially my friends who notice I am not the same weight and don't have the same confidence I used to have. Because of this I have become very depressed as I feel I am not living a normal life a 20 year olf should be living. I too hope I can find some sort of control. I binge about 4 times a week and barely have the will power to make up for it in the next few days.