Wednesday 14 May 2008

Duchess against fat

Britain is "eating itself to death."

There's an article in BBC news about how Duchess Sarah Ferguson is planning on a campaign to promote healthy eating. Those are the words used in the opening paragraph: "healthy eating." So how come it spends the rest of the article talking about fat?

The message I'm getting from the article is that the only way to be healthy is to be thin.

I'm very much in favour of healthy eating, but people need to understand that healthy eating doesn't always involve losing weight. The right ballance of food is important, the right nutrients and the right amount. I wish articles would stress this as much or more than the need to be thin. If the message is targetted at the obese, I could understand it, but the article seems to imply that everyone in the country needs to shape up and get thin.

I hope the documentary is better. I really hope it takes some time to consider eating disorders and those who take dieting too far. But I won't be watching to find out. I don't need former royalty telling me that I need to be thin from my TV screen.

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