Sunday 11 May 2008

Weekly Update 11th May 2008

I've eaten more than I should this past week, but I've not binged. I've had Chinese take-away two days in a row, but it's been shared with friends as part of a fun evening and I've enjoyed eating the food I ordered. I will try and focus on that fact when I see my reflection in the bathroom mirror tomorrow.

I have done exercise over the past few days, but not out of guilt. There was badminton and there were games with friends, all of which fun and none of which driven by guilt. I will go to the gym tomorrow, but because I'm trying to be healthy, not out of a desperate urge to burn off the egg fried rice. The line between trying to be healthy and trying to undo days of bad eating is a fine one, but I'm still on the right side of it at the moment.

My university work has been handed in and there's nothing that I can do to change the marks now. It's like a cloud has lifted from my thoughts. The need for food to calm me about grades has faded for the time being.

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