Sunday 25 May 2008

Weekly Update 25th May

My weight's stayed stable this week. I haven't binged. I haven't over-eaten. I haven't over-exercised. This is almost a surprise, because I had an exam this week and I've another one next week. Exams are usually my trigger for a major pig-out.

On Wednesday, I had to take my car to have its MOT done and I had to spend several hours wandering round a nearby shopping centre because I couldn't go home until they were finished with my car. This involved a few hours sitting in cafes and coffee shops, but I managed to avoid overeating. I did fall back on bad habits in that I ordered for lunch a sandwich containing an ingredient I didn't like, simply because it was the lowest calorie option.

I also bought some more diet pills. These have actually be scientifically tested and there are clinical trials showing they bind to fat and prevent digestion. They don't appear to have had any effect on my weight, probably because I usually eat very low fat foods, so there's not a lot for them to bind to.

I know the diet pills were a bad idea because they bring me back to old habits, but I'll be able to stop taking them when I finish the packet and not have any feelings of guilt, because I know they don't make much difference.

All in all, this was a good week.

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